EdTents (Mobile Solar Powered Tech Classrooms)

EdTents are designed for roaming Fulani communities to function as mobile classrooms, the tents use collapsible setting that can be assembled or disassembled within twenty minutes and carried conveniently by a pack bull. A whole classroom and its accouterments can be tugged by only one pack animal. This model was designed as a collapsible, movable, and easy to transport cotton canvas tarpaulin tent fabric, it is a 2.8 x 3.5 meter size and 2.5 meter height by 4 inch with galvanize metal pole. A typical mobile unit consists of one classroom made up of a black board, metal poles, collapsible chair; a carpet and is equipped with visual teaching aids and has spaces for twenty to thirty children which still make it by far cheaper than a regular classroom.

We adopted GPS tracking facilities in EdTents because mobility has its disadvantages as contacts between the schools and central education authority become difficult which may lead to discontinuation of supplies, the trackers will help us monitor each tent location and its movements. We also embedded solar powered gadgets because Fulani children herd during the day, it will therefore enable both the girls and the boys study during the day and the night.

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